Papers selected for formal presentation in the ICABM, 2018 conference will be considered for publication subject to the adherence of review process and aim and scope of the following Journals:
Guest Editors for the special Issue (IJBG):
Dr. Ramakrishnan Raman – Director, SIBM Pune
Dr. Vimal Babu – Associate Professor, SIBM Pune
Dr. Amresh Kumar – Assistant Professor, SIBM Pune
Dr. Shailesh Rastogi – Professor, SIBM Pune
Guest Editors for the special Issue (EJTD):
Dr. Ramakrishnan Raman – Director, SIBM Pune
Dr. Anugamini Priya – Assistant Professor, SIBM Pune
Dr. Shailesh Rastogi – Professor, SIBM Pune
Papers selected for formal presentation in the ICABM, 2018 conference will be considered for publication in special issue subject to the adherence of review process and aim and scope of IJBG and EJTD.
We will take all efforts to ensure that the publication opportunity is given to the authors in the journals supporting the conference. However, no guarantee is given for publication, as each journal has its mandatory requirements and timelines which have to be satisfied before the paper gets accepted and published.
The authors of the select papers presented in ICABM 2018 will be asked to submit their extended papers after arranging it as per the particular journal requirements to submit online to the respective journals.